

ARTH 200: Art and Society in Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean


Welcome to the ARTH 200 interactive course syllabus! This site is intended as a resource to complement the ARTH 200, Art and Society in Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean, at the University of Maryland.


The interactive syllabus has a number of features, which include:

- Images and metadata for each required course object

- Object collections organized geographically and temporally (i.e. Roman Republic Period), corresponding to the course syllabus.

- An interactive Neatline page, which maps all objects, and includes relevant supplementary information.

- An online version of the course syllabus.

- Exhibitions of the museum collections in which course objects appear.


Each these features can be accessed by clicking on the tabs at left. You may also search for images, artists, collections, etc. by using the search bar at the bottom of the naviagation bar.